  • This service is intended to be used interactively, primarily for teaching purposes by the electrical engineering institutes
  • It should generally be accessed via a supported course on the university's stud.IP portal
  • Outside of our core teaching time it is available to all users of the University of Rostock (info and login below)
  • Please consider all data (containers, local user storage) on this server volatile (have backups of important data!)
    • Containers WILL occasionally get deleted by server restarts and maintenance scripts (typically after some time of inactivity, public access periods or shortage of storage space)
    • Local user storage will be reinitialized after prolonged inactivity, a notification mail is scheduled to get sent beforehand
Service access is unrestricted until Sunday, 15th of September at 07:00, with next public access period starting on Sunday, 15th of September at 15:00.
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